Club History
The Ngaruawahia Golf Club went into recession during WW2 and was resurrected in 1954 on Mr Eric Davies’ property on Te Puroa Road. In 1964 some members of the club entered talks with the then, Ngaruawahia Borough Council, to secure the property on which we now play, and a 9 hole course was formed by the volunteers and opened in 1965. Golf Course Architect, Harry Dale, was contracted and the course was extended to 18 holes in 1972 under his guidance. This was the start of a membership growth that has continued until today.
The original clubhouse was bought from the Ministry of Works for 60 Pounds and then added to over the years. In 2003, the club members, after a lot of fundraising, replaced this with a new clubhouse which cost $1.4 million. Several members were involved in this huge project but one very special person, Life Member Keith Clark, must be mentioned for his generous donation to the club.
The golf course has the reputation of being one of the most challenging in the Waikato and it is always groomed to the highest possible standard. Most of the fairways are bunkered - sand or grass and there is controlled rough on most. The sand greens make for putting surfaces that are consistently second to none. The Te Awa cycleway along the riverbank has added a great scenic view along the river side boundary of the course.
This golf course is magic and a must-play while you are in the Waikato!

Code of Conduct